Listing of Acknowledgements
*Roberts' new boat - Congratulations
*Sandy Thomas - personal accomplishment
*2nd Place Poulsbo Rendezvous
*Past Commander Ray Madsen
*Past SEO Ray Thomas
*D16 James E. Roeber Award for "Outstanding Squadron Achievement"
*Member of the Year- Sally Calkins
*Educator of the Year- Randy Roberts
*Volunteer Instructors Recognition
*Lifestyle & Safety Presentations - Duane & Suzy Webb
*Jan Jones - Years volunteered as Treasurer
*Distinguished Communicator Award 2017/18 for Straitlines Newsletter & Website
If you know a member of NOSPS that has a recent accomplishment/success/ boat acquisition, etc
that can be recognized on our "Worthy Mentions" page, please let us know.
WORTHY MENTION - Congratulations to
Dick & Grace Schoel
on the purchase of their new boat.
"Eagles Nest" is a 35' CHB single engine with lots of space for them to bring their kids and grandkids along for a cruise! We look forward to you joining us on our NOSPS cruises this year.

WORTHY MENTION - Congratulations to
the Roberts
on the purchase of their new boat. It's a beautiful 44 ft Grand Banks. Perfect for entertaining when out on NOSPS cruises!

WORTHY MENTION - Congratulations to Sandy Thomas
on setting a personal goal & accomplishment. Our Sandy chose to participate in a 5k in Alaska when visiting her family. She received this award after completing.

WORTHY MENTION - 2nd Place Recognition Award at Annual District 16 Poulsbo Rendezvous 2018 for decoration & participation in theme. Those attending the Rendezvous helped decorate and dress accordingly.

WORTHY MENTION - Thank You to our Past Commander Ray Madsen for serving as Commander 2017/2018.
Thank you Ray for your diligence and and dedication leading our Squadron this past year. The standing ovation should convey our member's appreciation. Ray will now serve as Past Commander.

Serving for three years, SEO Ray Thomas has led success, with his Education Team, providing Advanced & Elective Courses, Seminars & Clinics to members and the public. We have had a large number of Volunteers to teach these courses and students to take them. Job well done Ray Thomas. Thank you for volunteering your time and talent for three years!

WORTHY MENTION - Congratulations "Randy Roberts"
Education Officer Ray Thomas on behalf of NOSPS presented Randy Roberts the "Robert Brummet Instructor of the Year Award" 2017/2018.
Randy is on the Education team responsible for Electives, has taught co-taught Marine Electronics, clinics and developed 2 clinics - "Crossing the Border" and "How to Buy a Boat".

Congratulations "Sally Calkins"
Commander Ray Madsen chose and on behalf of NOSPS presents a well deserved Sally Calkins with the "George C. Scott Member of the Year Award" for 2017-2018 for her involvement in all activities of the Squadron from Education Team, Adopt-A-Marina with her time and her truck at every one, cruising, and assisting everyone whenever and wherever needed. ALWAYS with a positive attitude. A great example!

WORTHY MENTION - "Recognition to our Volunteer Instructors 2017/18.
On behalf of NOSPS, SEO Ray Thomas on April 9th COW meeting, gave recognition and thanks to all of our members who volunteer of their time teach the USPS courses over the Fall, Winter & Spring months. The students taught this year appreciate their efforts. Instructors had their Surf & Turf dinner paid for by NOSPS as a token of our appreciation.

WORTHY MENTION - Duane & Suzy Webb created "Easy Life & Safety" Presentations.

Safety Officer Duane Webb 2017/2018 and Suzy Webb began our Easy Life and Safety Presentations. They have created and presented 4 so far. They have been very insightful, safety focused and entertaining. They add learning and entertainment through their presentation. Thank you so much for introducing Easy Life & Safety Presentations.

WORTHY MENTION - Jan Jones for her many years as Treasurer. May she do many more!

We want to recognize and applaud Jan Jones for her very diligent and dedicated volunteer work as Treasurer. Jan has been our NOSPS treasurer for 14 years and continues this year. She is so pleasant to work with and patient with all of us in keeping us on track. When you see her, make a point to thank her for all she does for us! THANK YOU JAN!
Worthy Mentions - NOSPS receives "Distinctive Communicator Awards"
for both our "Straitlines" Newsletter and our North Olympic Boaters" website again this year for 2017.
Awarded by District 16, Alayne Fellows for "Straitlines Newsletter" and Nila Madsen for the website "" accepted the Distinction on behalf of NOSPS.