America's Boating Course (ABC) $0 (+$10 for Boater Education Card)
ABC is the U.S. Power Squadron’s basic boating course for new boaters. It covers all the basic information needed to operate a power boat or sailboat of any size, as well as specific activities such as trailering, fishing, hunting, and personal watercraft. Topics include boat nomenclature, safety gear and practices, rules of the road, WA state and federal regulations, adverse conditions and emergencies, communications afloat, anchoring, docking, trailering, nautical charts, plotting a course, and tides and currents. ABC is also a great refresher course tor those who have boating experience, but have not been on the water recently.
ABC is taught by experienced boaters with local knowledge. Specific topics (e.g., communication, knots, trailering, anchoring hunting and fishing) are taught by instructors who have many years of experience with their subject matter. As much as possible, instructors discuss local boating areas and conditions to illustrate course material, thereby providing students with a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges of boating in the Salish Sea. Safety is the major priority in all discussions.
Upon request, our ABC Course offers an optional On-The-Water component at no additional cost. Students are taken to a marina, where they see different types of boats and equipment, and where they have an opportunity to go out on the water and experience what they learned in class.
Many boat insurance companies offer discounts on boating insurance to boaters who successfully complete the ABC Course and to members of NOSPS/USPS. Check out our Member Benefits.
Washington State Boater Education Card
For those concerned about getting a state boater education card, this course meets the educational standards of the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators honored by all states and includes a supervised examination required by many states and insurance companies. The course is a hands on approach with Q & A with specially trained and certified Instructors.

Meet Your Team of ABC Instructors

Bernie Armstrong
*Chapter Reviews
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: Required Equipment
Section 3: Going Boating
Section 9: Finding Your Way
Section 13: Water Sports Safety

Mike Witkin
Section 4: Navigation Rules
Section 16: Knots and Lines

Bruce Cutting
Section 12: Communications Afloat

Randy Blackburn-Lappin
*Chapter Reviews
Section 11: Adverse Conditions and Emergencies
Section 14: PWC Operation
Section 15: Trailering
*Exam Administration
*Distribute Certificates of Completion

Judy Armstrong
Section 5: Navigation Aids
Section 6: Lights and Sounds

Ray Mahalick
Section 7: Government Relations
Section 8: State and Local Regulations
Section 10: Anchoring

Karen Mahalick
*Membership Information
Contact ABC Education Team for Questions & Information or to Register for an upcoming ABC class.

ABC Course
Our next course is April 12 and 13.
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
The course will be held at Port Angeles Yacht Club
1305 Marine Drive
$0 / person ($10 for Boater Education Card)
To register for the class, complete the contact form and send. You will receive a timely response from our Education Team.
Our ABC Course (no additional cost) offers an optional On-The-Water component where students are taken to a marina, shown the different boat types, anchor types, tie-ups, etc., and then go out on the water to experience what they learned in class on USPS volunteer boats or their own boat.