Past Commanders

Photos of the beginning of the construction of the John Wayne Marina. It occurred quite some time after the NOSPS had been formed.
Photo credit: Sequim Arts & Museum Center
Suggested Names for the First Newsletter (currently named STRAITLINES)
A Short History of the North Olympic Sail and Power Squadron (NOSPS) By: Tom Chandler, Executive Officer
Our Squadron was chartered in May 1978, as the Port Angeles Power Squadron. Among the many things the charter members had to contend with right away was starting a Squadron newsletter - and NAMING it. A list of 21 suggested names for the new bulletin were submitted and one was checked as “Selected". Above is the list. Can you figure out which one won? If you guessed “None of the Above” you were right, of course Strait Line was close but before the first issue came our Editor added an "s", made two words one, and christened the new publication STRAITLINES, which it remains to this day. The early history of any organization is only as authentic as the documents available on which it is based. This attempt to record the early years activity leading to the formation of the Port Angeles Power Squadron is the result of careful review of the relatively few written records setting forth the events of the early years.
Since Bridge Officers change more or less regularly and people are almost constantly on the move, no attempt will be made to compile complete lists of all officers of the Squadron, the various educational classes conducted, the frequent financial crises of our Treasury and the many social events leading up to the granting of the charter by the National Organization, The United States
Power Squadrons. It is hoped, however, that this history will cover the essential facts of the case and set forth events as accurately as possible under the circumstances.
The early attempts to organize a Power Squadron on the Olympic Peninsula were by no means easy. Getting District 16 to consider it was the result of several factors and the dedicated efforts of a few people who had been active Squadron members in other areas.
William Holloway, N, a charter member of the Marin County, California Squadron since 1957 moved to the Peninsula in 1972, and in that year he attended the Seattle Boat Show. His main purpose was to interest the District 16 USPS officers in the possibility of establishing a new Squadron in the Sequim-Port Angeles area.
He was successful in that the entire USPS was, at the moment, engaged in a Squadron expansion movement resulting from a decrease in membership. The District 16 officers gave their blessing and support to Bill, with instructions on how to proceed. First, they searched the records to see how many members from Squadrons outside the area were now living in our area.
Marin County, CA; Portland, Oregon; Coos Bay, Oregon; Columbus, Ohio; Mobile, Alabama; Bellevue, Washington.
The list below is the result:
William Holloway, N
Bruce Hudson, JN
Lester Perkins, S
Ron Carlson, JN
Ton Beard, S
Carlton Nau, S
Letters soliciting pledges and cooperation for the organization of an educational program with the eventual formation of a Squadron in mind was sent to these people.
In response to the District 16 Education Officer's inquiry about the potential for a Boating Class, population, number of boats, etc., Carlton Nau, S, surveyed 20 people who had an interest in boating including Port Commissioners and employees, Port Angeles Yacht Club members and Coast Guard Officers stationed at Ediz Hook.
The results of Nau's survey indicated mixed results.
1. Number of boats in the marina 435
2. Pleasure craft portion 253
3. Yacht Club membership 150
Port and Yacht Club interviews indicated a need and desire for instructions of a broader and more advanced character than that provided in the USPS Basic Boating Course and the USCG Auxiliary's similar Basic Boating Course.
Not all was sweetness and light, however - - "AUXILIARY OPPOSITION"
The year was 1972, the Coast Guard Auxiliary had just completed their Small Boat Handling Course at Peninsula College, with 85 students registered. The number passing the course is unknown but we do know their program as usual was highly successful. The Flotilla is very proud of their program and their accomplishments, as they have every right to be, but the prospect of a "Johnny Come Lately" Power Squadron unit arriving as a competitive factor was quite unpalatable, but definitely understandable.
Their opposition was loud and clear even though many communities and the Coast Guard itself had found that cooperative competition resulted in better instruction and more successful Boating Courses.
Many attempts were made by the more enlightened members of both organizations to resolve our differences, but only in the last few years has any degree of success been achieved.
As a result of the recommendations of the six organizers mentioned the District decided to proceed with a Boating Class under the sponsorship of Everett Power Squadron. The first class was held at Port Angeles High School on 12 September 1972 with 35 students enrolled. It was determined that the Port Angeles group would function as a division of Everett Power Squadron until such time as Port Angeles had recruited about 35 members. Consideration would then be given to the formation of an actual Squadron in the Port Angeles - Sequim area.
Interest continued to develop, and in January 1973 a Seamanship class with 15 members was started. By the spring of 1974 three piloting, two Seamanship and one Advanced Piloting had been completed. Nine members took the first A.P. Course with all nine passing. They were Milt Troyer, Les Perkins, Fran Perkins, Darrel Davis, Larry Schuler, Tom Beard, Gary Bosanko, Theodore Serr, and John Hanson.
Bill Holloway and Bruce Hanson were coordinating the Education Program and Carl Nau served as Treasurer, all under the auspices of the Everett Power Squadron.
Also Bill Holloway was appointed Education Officer of the Everett Squadron, which gave him the authority to properly conduct an Educational Program in Port Angeles.
For two years, until 1976, the P. A. group conducted an education program without assistance from Everett. The reasons were partly because of complicated ferry travel and the annual rotation of Bridge Officers in Everett. All supplies and any contact our group had with District or National had to be conducted thru Everett. Needless to say, coordination between Port Angeles and Everett was weak at best.
In 1976, Bill Holloway and Bill Greene attended a meeting with Everett's Executive Board. The purpose was to request Port Angeles be granted the official status of a Division of Everett Squadron. Along with our request, a list was presented of 33 members of the P. A. group, which included 10 Seamen, 5 AP's, and 1 Navigator. The proposed bridge included:
William Greene Commander
Tom Beard Executive Officer
William Holloway Education Officer
Jack Williams Secretary-Treasurer
The request was approved and Floyd Day was named Liaison Officer with Port Angeles. The plan was that the P.A. group would function as a division of Everett for one year, at the end of which, consideration would be given to applying to District and National for a New Squadron Kit. Following this meeting with the Everett Executive Board, The Everett Commander was to notify the District Cdr. Dave Foley of the action taken and it was expected that the District Commander would notify the National Executive Officer V/C Harold Spoelstra, N
National was never informed about the Everett Division Status of the P A. group, and as a result when P.A. in January 1977 requested a Squadron Kit (a preliminary step in the establishment of a new Squadron), the prior breakdown in procedure became readily apparent. It was found that the District had never endorsed our application. Squadron records contain no explanation for the failure of the District to process our application for a Squadron Kit. However, the documents do refer to a requirement of a starting membership of 35.
Needless to say, there was considerable disappointment within the Division over the failure to approve and issue our Squadron Kit. In spite of this event the Education Program continued to progress. As of October 1977, we had completed six Boating Courses, four Seamanship, for AP Courses and one IT course, with JN just starting.
In the fall of 1977 we received word that our application for a new Squadron Kit was in the works. With that news we completed the required paperwork for National and applied for incorporation in the State of Washington. An organizational meeting was held in Port Angeles for the purpose of electing a new Bridge. The results are as follows:
Commander - William Greene
Executive Officer - Gary Bosanko
Administrative Officer - Pete Lochow
Education Officer - Bill Holloway
Secretary - John Merscher
Treasurer - Jack Williams
National was officially re-requested to issue a charter in the name of Port Angeles Power Squadron. The name "Straitlines" was adopted for our monthly bulletin and the first edition was dated April 1979. The by-laws were adopted and other officers in the Educational Department were named.
On 11 November 1978 V/C James Bailey waved the requirement for initial membership of 35 and a Charter Party was scheduled for 13 April 1978 at the Dungeness Inn. Attending were 16 Squadron members and their wives, 21 USPS members from out of town and 40 guests. The charter was signed by 27 members at the monthly meeting 13 April 1978.
The signers were:
Fredrick Baltzly
Herbert L. Beebe
William E. Bright
Robert W. Copeland
William R. Greene
Edward C. Hill
James D. Jones
Peter F. Lochow
John H. Merscher
Carlton L. Nau
Larry A, Schuyler
John D Williams
Donald Anderson
Milton E Troyer
J.M. Barkley
Gary Bosanko
Joseph E. Collins
Darrel B. Davis
Alien C Hall
William E Holloway
Gary D. Lange
Vernon V. Mantle
Robert C. McCormack
Paul E. Saxton
Alien Steigerwald
Charles W. Whidden
Membership Obligation - - Board policy established rules requiring that members must complete (and pass) Piloting or Seamanship or earn one Merit Mark within one full calendar year after the year in which he joined.
William Holloway, Honorary Membership, January 1981.
Squadron, Prince Henry Award, May 1981 (Squadron having higher percent of membership passing advanced courses in the district.
You may have noted that names of Squadron officers and members previously mentioned have all been male. An explanation is in order. From its conception until sometime in the mid 80's, USPS had been a fraternal organization. Women were not eligible for membership as such although they could participate as "Women Certificate Holders". This allowed them to attend all meetings, classes in the usual progression, and achieve educational rank just like their male counterparts. They were not eligible to hold office or to vote.
Incorrect it may have been, but it had been traditional for over 50 years. Tradition is hard to buck and many members objected strenuously to any mandated change. As a result of strong pressure from anti-discriminatory forces, and possible problems with the US Justice Department, the decision was made by National to change USPS policy and allow women to become members with all the rights and privileges of male members. So it was done without ill effects.
An important factor in the formation of the Squadron was the prospect of a new marina in the Sequim area. There were no marine facilities in the forty-mile stretch between Port Townsend and Port Angeles. Several plans were considered to alleviate this condition but to no avail. Finally a private group acquired 100 acres on Pitship Point in Sequim Bay and planned a 125-slip moorage facility to support their proposed housing development. Actor John Wayne was a part of this group who enthusiastically donated 23 water front acres to the Port of Port Angeles with the stipulation that they proceed to construct a marina for use by the public.
After several years of negotiating with various state agencies, environmental groups, shellfish farmers, engineers and many other hurdles, construction began in 1983. Financing was accomplished by a $6,000,000 bond issue. Dedication occurred in 1984.
The facility includes ramps, floats, breakwater, and other amenities such as a restaurant, ships store, and meeting rooms. All of these amenities being of first class quality.
"During Hank Warren's tenure as Commander, there was movement for the change. During Saxton's term, two names were selected with Juan de Fuca being the first choice and North Olympic the second. National rejected Juan de Fuca because a Squadron in Victoria was already using the name.
As a result of this discouraging news, the matter was dropped and not renewed until 1991 when a new attempt was made. The results are evident.
The reasons submitted to National for the name change are as follows:
1. Members reside in two postal regions. 40% in Sequim and 60% in Port Angeles
2. At the time of chartering there was only one marina and that was in Port Angeles.
3. Many members feet that a name reflecting the two areas we serve is in order to recruit new members.
4. North Olympic describes our membership area.
The County Library System is called North Olympic and the designation is commonly used. For those unfamiliar with our area, the term is a condensation of North Olympic Peninsula and that geographic region of Washington and Hood Canal.
It was realized the Squadron needed a central location for the storage of all its teaching paraphernalia. At the present time this material was stored in members garages, closets, attics, etc. What was needed was a building with electrical lights, outlets and heat. This could only be obtained with money. The 1994 Fall Conference gave the squadron a unique opportunity to earn some well-needed funds to start a savings account. This was accomplished and at that time the Squadron had a total of $1005.34 in the account. The Squadron started negotiations with the Port Angeles Yacht Club to allow it to build a storage unit at their location. The PAYC agreed to allow NOPS to build a 10 X 12 foot building on the north side of the Yacht Club building near the northwest comer. This building will be accessible to NOPS members only. PAYC will provide a 15amp circuit for electricity. The cost per month to NOPS will be the same as what the Port Angeles Boat Haven charges slip owners for a 15 amp service, which at that time it was $20 per month. Executive Officer, Dennis Leinaar, drew up plans for the building and got together a material list to figure out the cost of construction. The building would be built on skids so it could be moved in the event it is ever required. The goal was to see the building up and operational by September 1, 1995.
Men and material are wanted to help in the construction of a storage building next to the Port Angeles Yacht Club. The date and time will be agreed upon by the volunteers - but it will be in July.
Below is a list of materials needed for the project. Any donations of these materials will save the Squadron some bucks. Also, if anyone knows where some of these materials can be bought really cheaply, give a call. Arch Hoagland will be the contact for both helpers and materials. It should be mentioned that Thurman's is donating the electrical supplies.
2 x 4's
1 x 10's
2" T&G car decking
insulation 3 1/2"X20"
Exterior pre-hung door
Rolled roofing
3 tab roofing
1 IT' sheetrock
l x 6's
l x 8's
16,18 penny nails
Till siding
The list of materials needed for the construction of our 10 X 12 building was published. There was no construction material donated but the Squadron did get a letter from Bob and Lucile West. They wanted to apologize for being out of town during construction and enclosed a check for $100 for materials. When Commander Hoagland read the West's letter at the Executive Board Meeting, the response was a $50 donation from each member present. (Arch Hoagland, Mike Kottler, Rudi Schleinkofer, Gene Haugen, Anne Hill, George Walker). Seems like everyone agreed that the Squadron really needed that storage building. Thanks go to Bob and Lucile for getting the ball rolling.