Boating Education


North Olympic Sail and Power Squadron offer a number of educational courses and clinics.

These courses offer a natural progression, from beginner to advanced.
Also offered, are focused two-hour Seminars and Clinics for new and experienced boaters.
The purpose is to promote safety, enjoyment and confidence on our North Pacific waters.
These courses will advance your know-how of seamanship and boat handling, piloting and navigation, boat systems maintenance, weather, sailing, cruise planning, and other related topics.

Contact Education 

For questions, further information or to register for a course.

We will respond to your request


    Paul Areida

    Squadron Education Officer

    Ken Barnaby 2021/2022

    Kenneth Barnaby

     Assistant Education Officer


    ABC Course

    ABC Course is designed for the beginning boater, personal watercraft operator, hunter or fisher operating an outboard boat, skipper of a power cruiser, sail boater and those to receive the Washington State Boater Education Card. Safety, weather, waves, nautical rules, regulations, courtesies of the sea & more are covered. Open to everyone.


    Advanced & Elective Courses

    Advanced Courses & Electives are generally held once a week and vary according to the course over a 4 - 12 week period with one additional week period including Exam.  Exams are optional but encouraged. Most classes are typically 2 hours long.  Students are expected to complete homework assignments between classes.


    Clinics & Seminars

    Seminars & Clinics are offered in 2-4 hour blocks on the first Saturday morning of each month
    (September - May).
    These Clinics provide an enjoyable way to learn about specific marine topics. Seminars include theory along with local knowledge & experience in the Pacific Northwest waters.
    Open to everyone.