An Excerpt from Sequim Gazette published 2014
"A group of area boaters turned their heads away from the wind and water April 11/2014 to concentrate on landscaping. With the approval of the Port of Port Angeles commissioners, the North Olympic Sail and Power Squadron adopted Sequim’s John Wayne Marina this year. The club’s “parental” responsibilities will be similar to what’s expected from the Adopt-a-Highway Program — litter removal, landscaping and general maintenance and beautification.
“NOSPS has over 100 members in the community and many of them utilize the facilities at John Wayne Marina with either slip rentals or use of the boat launch,” said Ray Thomas, the Adopt-a-Marina Project lead, while wearing work gloves and holding a rake. “These volunteers are serving the public facility that has served them so well over the years, gaining civic pride and knowing they’re making a difference.” The squadron has two Adopt-a-Marina signs that it plans on posting at the marina to better represent the group.
The sail and power squadron is one of 17 in the state, which are all part of a larger, nationwide organization. The North Olympic division’s civic project will serve as a test project for the 450 squadrons across the country, as it’s the first of its kind. Thomas said his club’s national organizers are paying close attention to the adoption to possibly make it a routine practice of its members."
Our first Fall cleanup today, Oct 20th, with a fun crew. A good turnout of members. The weather held off nicely just until we finished lunch! We arrive with shovels, rakes and gloves in hand. We pitch in where needed. After a couple hours of labor and congeniality, we gather around picnic tables to enjoy the SUBWAY lunch provided by NOSPS.
If you have not yet joined in on the fun - you are missing out. Our next Volunteer Cleanup is Nov 17th. See you there with rakes & shovels in hand and smiles on our faces.
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